albums:gary:Big Announcement Up

We found out why Heather has been so sick, there are two reasons right here. Their comming out party is scheduled for Nov 18th, but, it is almost certain they will be very un-copi like and arrive early.
Twins First Ultrasound
Go ahead and mark me down as big Sister X2
Ella is Shocked
Twins laying out catching some rays. They are just over 2cm each right now.
Twins 4_11_08 2nd Ultrasound
Pics of the boys, Twin 1 June 23rd Ultrasound
Twin 1 062308
Pics of the boys, Twin 2 June 23rd Ultrasound
Twin 2 062308

albums:gary:Big Announcement Up

Photo album generated by album from MarginalHacks by D. Madison on Thu May 18 21:38:25 2017