Getting ready to begin "The Best Damn Sports Show Period". The guests were going to be Snoop Dogg, Michael Strahan, Stevie Wonder, and the Seattle Seahawks Cheerleaders. Sadly, I didn't get pictures of any guests since the hosts were screwing around for so long and I wanted to check out more of the Motown Winter Blast before going back to work.
Campus Martius park in front of Compuware. All the people that were skating are waiting for the zamboni to finish cleaning the ice. All of the white tents contain different attractions like music, food, cars, etc...

For the past week "The Best Damn Sports Show Period" was filmed on the main floor of Compuware. Compuware's offices start on the second floor of the building and are only accessible by employees, leaving me with an unobstructed view of the show.

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Created with the tool album from David Ljung's MarginalHacks on Thu May 18 21:03:32 2017